Section 202 of the Income-Tax Bill, 2025 is a revamped and simplified version of Section 115BAC of the Income-Tax Act, 1961, introducing a streamlined new tax regime for individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and other specified taxpayers. The new tax regime is a simpler regime which aims to ease compliance, lower tax rates, and eliminate complexities by removing most deductions and exemptions. In this article, we will discuss in detail the new tax regime under Section 202 of the Income Tax Bill, 2025.
What is Section 202 of the Income Tax Bill, 2025?
Section 202 will take effect from April 1, 2026, once the bill is passed by both Houses of Parliament and receives the President’s assent, officially becoming the Income-Tax Act, 2025. This section introduces the new tax regime applicable to Individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and other specified taxpayers. It will still be the default tax regime, meaning taxpayers who wish to continue under the old regime must explicitly opt out.
What are the Tax Rates Under the New Tax Regime of the Income Tax Bill, 2025?
In the new tax regime rebate of up to Rs. 60,000 is available if your income is upto Rs. 12,00,000. This means you will have zero tax liability if your income is less than or equal to Rs. 12,00,000. You also have the benefit of marginal relief which ensures that the tax payable does not excessively surpass the incremental income earned.
Who are Eligible to File Under the New Tax Regime?
The provisions of this section apply to the following categories of taxpayers:
Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs)
Associations of Persons (AOPs) other than co-operative societies
Bodies of Individuals (BOIs), whether incorporated or not
Artificial Juridical Person
Exemptions and Deductions Not Available Under the New Tax Regime
The following are the exemptions and deductions that are not available under the new regime:
Daily Allowance received by MP, MLA or member of any committee
Deduction for employer’s contribution to NPS account u/s 124(1)
Deduction of amount paid or deposited in the Agniveer Corpus Fund u/s 125(3)
Deduction in respect of additional employee cost.
Deduction for Capital and Revenue expenditure towards inhouse scientific research incurred of the business.
Unabsorbed Depreciation and Business Loss Under the New Regime
Under the new tax regime, taxpayers with business income cannot set off brought-forward business losses or unabsorbed depreciation if they relate to exemptions or deductions that are not available under the new regime.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the new tax regime under Section 202 of the Income Tax be applicable?
The Income Tax Bill 2025 will come into effect after it is passed by both the houses of the parliament. Section 202 will be applicable from 1st April 2026.
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