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Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP) Scheme under GST

By Annapoorna


Updated on: Jan 15th, 2025


5 min read

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) introduced Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP) scheme under Goods and Services Tax (GST) to help small taxpayers whose turnover is less than Rs.5 crores. The QRMP scheme allows the taxpayers to file GSTR-3B on a quarterly basis and pay tax every month.

Clear GST software has an in-built solution to help you finish this task easily. Tax professionals or businesses can easily upload a CSV file format containing the list of GSTINs and the selected filing frequency either ‘monthly’ or ‘quarterly’. The same will get updated on the GST portal within a few seconds!

For a complete feature set on Clear GST software for complying under the QRMP scheme, read through the further sections here.

Latest Updates on QRMP scheme

26th August 2021
From 1st September 2021, taxpayers will not be able to file GSTR-1 or use the IFF for August 2021 on the GST portal if they have pending GSTR-3B filings. It applies if GSTR-3B is pending for the past two months till July 2021 (monthly filer) or for the last quarter ending 30th June 2021 (quarterly filer), as per CGST Rule 59(6). 

28th May 2021
At the 43rd GST Council meeting, the following was announced:
(1) The time limit to furnish B2B supplies on the IFF (optional facility for the taxpayers opting into the QRMP scheme), for May 2021 has been extended from 13th June to 28th June 2021. 
(2) For any delayed submission of PMT-06 for April 2021 and May 2021, interest relief has been provided as follows:
(i) For April 2021, No interest is charged for delayed submission up to 9th June, whereas 9% of reduced interest is charged between 10th June and 9th July, and 18% of interest is charged thereafter.
(ii) For May 2021, No interest is charged for delayed submission up to 10th July, whereas 9% of reduced interest is charged between 11th and 25th July, and 18% of interest is charged thereafter.
(3) Quarterly GSTR-3B filing for Jan-Mar 2021 has also got interest and late fee relief as laid down here.

1st May 2021
The time limit to furnish B2B supplies on the IFF (optional facility for the taxpayers opting into the QRMP scheme), for April 2021 has been extended from 13th May to 28th May 2021.

Who is eligible for the QRMP scheme?

A registered person who is required to furnish a return in GSTR-3B, and who has an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.5 crore in the preceding financial year, is eligible for the QRMP Scheme. Further, in case the aggregate turnover exceeds Rs.5 crore during any quarter in the current financial year, the registered person shall not be eligible for the scheme from the next quarter.

It is clarified that the aggregate annual turnover for the preceding financial year shall be calculated in the common portal taking into account the details furnished in the returns by the taxpayer for the tax periods in the preceding financial year.

The quarterly GSTR-3B filing option was made available from 1st January 2021 onwards. It is clarified that this scheme is optional and can be availed based on GSTIN.

How to exercise option for QRMP Scheme?

A registered person who intends to file his GSTR-3B quarterly should indicate the same on the GST portal, from the 1st of the second month of the preceding quarter until the last day of the first month of the quarter for which such option is being exercised.

For example: If A wishes to file quarterly returns for the quarter of Apr-Jun 2021, he should have opted for quarterly filing on the common GST portal between 1st February 2021 and 30th April 2021.

Once the registered person has opted for quarterly filing, he will have to continue to furnish his return every quarter for all future tax periods, except in the following situations:

  • If the taxpayer becomes ineligible for furnishing a quarterly return (for example, if the aggregate turnover crosses Rs.5 crore during a quarter, then from the next quarter he will not be able to file quarterly returns). In such a case, the taxpayer must furnish GSTR-3B on a monthly basis.
  • A registered person will not be eligible to opt for furnishing quarterly returns if the last return, which was due on the date of exercising such an option, has not been furnished.

For example, if the person is opting for quarterly GSTR-3B filing on 1st December 2020, he will need to furnish his GSTR-3B return for October 2020, which would have been the last return due on the date of exercising the quarterly filing option.

Deemed monthly/quarterly filing of GSTR-3B

The taxpayer has to follow the above procedure to opt for the quarterly GSTR-3B. However, in case of registered persons falling in the categories specified in the table below, who have furnished their GSTR-3B return for October 2020 by 30th November 2020, it shall be deemed that they have opted for monthly or quarterly filing as detailed below -

S No.Class of Registered PersonsDeemed Option
1Registered individuals with an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore, who have furnished Form GSTR-1 quarterly in the current financial yearQuarterly GSTR-3B
2Registered persons with an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore, who have furnished Form GSTR-1 monthly in the current financial yearMonthly GSTR-3B
3Registered persons having an aggregate turnover exceeding Rs.1.5 crore and up to Rs.5 crore in the preceding financial year Quarterly GSTR-3B

The taxpayers referred to in the Sl. No. 2 in the above table could have changed the default option and opt for quarterly GSTR-3B filing between 5th December 2020 and 31st January 2021.

How to submit details of outward supplies?

The taxpayers who opted for the QRMP scheme can use the Invoice Furnishing Facility(IFF) which allows quarterly GSTR-1 filers to upload their invoices every month. One should keep the following points in mind before utilising the IFF:

  • The IFF can be utilised only for the first two months of a quarter.
  • The invoices relating to the last month of a quarter are to be uploaded in the GSTR-1 return only.
  • There is no requirement to upload invoices in GSTR-1 if the same has been uploaded in the IFF.
  • The taxpayer has to submit the B2B invoice details of sale transactions (both inter-state and intra-state) along with debit and credit notes of the B2B invoices issued during the month.
  • The total net value of invoices that can be uploaded is restricted to Rs.50 lakh per month.
  • The details submitted in IFF will be reflected in the GSTR-2A, GSTR-2B, GSTR-4A or GSTR-6A of the recipients as the case may be.
  • The Invoice Furnishing Facility will come into effect from 1st January 2021.

Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)

How to make monthly tax payments under the QRMP scheme?

The taxpayer has to deposit tax using form PMT-06 by the 25th of the following month, for the first and second months of the quarter. The taxpayers can pay their monthly tax liability either in the Fixed Sum Method (FSM), also popular as 35% challan method, or use the Assessment Method (SAM).

Fixed Sum Method (FSM) or 35% challan method:

The taxpayer must pay an amount of tax mentioned in a pre-filled challan in the form GST PMT-06 for an amount equal to 35% of the tax paid in cash.

S NoType of TaxpayerTax to be paid
1Who furnished GSTR-3B quarterly for the last quarter35% of tax paid in cash in the preceding quarter
2Who furnished GSTR-3B monthly during the last quarter100% of tax paid in cash in the last month of the immediately preceding quarter

Example for understanding FSM:

Scenario 1: If GSTR-3B for January 2021 to March 2021 was filed on a quarterly basis

Tax paid in cash during Jan’21 – Mar’21 quarter Tax required to be paid in each of Apr’21 and May’21
CGST10,000 CGST3,500
SGST10,000 SGST3,500
IGST20,000 IGST7,000
Cess3,000 Cess1,050

 Scenario 2: If GSTR-3 was filed on a monthly basis during the quarter of January 2021 to March 2021

Tax paid in cash during Mar’21 Tax required to be paid in each of Apr’21 and May’21
CGST3,000 CGST3,000
SGST3,000 SGST3,000
IGST5,000 IGST5,000
Cess1,000 Cess1,000

 Self Assessment Method (SAM):

This is the existing method where a taxpayer can pay the tax liability by considering the tax liability on inward and outward supplies and the input tax credit available. The taxpayer has to manually arrive at the tax liability for the month and has to pay the same in form PMT-06. For ascertaining the amount of ITC available for the month the taxpayer can use form GSTR-2B.

There are certain instances where no amount may be required to be deposited, such as–

  • For the first month of the quarter – where the balance in the electronic cash/credit ledger is adequate for the tax liability of the said month OR where the tax liability is nil.
  • For the second month of the quarter – where the balance in the electronic cash/credit ledger is adequate for the cumulative tax liability for the first and second months of the quarter OR where the tax liability is nil.

It is to be noted that a registered person will not be eligible for the said procedures unless he has furnished the return for the complete tax period preceding such month. A complete tax period is a tax period where the said person is registered from the first until the last day of the tax period.

Due dates for filing quarterly GSTR-3B

The due dates filing quarterly GSTR-3B has been notified as follows:

S NoGST Registration in States and Union TerritoriesDue Date
1Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh22nd of the month succeeding such quarter
2Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha24th of the month succeeding such quarter

Input Tax Credit Claims under QRMP Scheme

There is no procedural difference in the way Input Tax Credit (ITC) is claimed by a registered person opting into the QRMP scheme. The QRMP taxpayers who are using the self-assessment method of calculating the tax payments for the first two months of the quarter can consider the ITC available as per their GSTR-2B for the month. Accordingly, they can pay the balance as cash towards the GST liability.

However, the GSTR-2B for the quarter gets generated on 14th of the month following the quarter upon the filing of quarterly GSTR-1. Hence, the buyers who deal with the vendors under the QRMP scheme will need to refer to quarterly GSTR-2B for ITC claims.

Interest under QRMP scheme

The interest will be applicable as follows if the taxpayer opts for one of the following methods:

Fixed Sum Method (FSM) or popularly known as the 35% challan method:

S NoScenarioInterest to be paid
1Tax liability mentioned in pre-filled form GST PMT-06 is paid by 25th of the following monthNil
2Tax liability mentioned in pre-filled form GST PMT-06 is not paid by 25th of the following month18% of the tax liability(from 26th of the following month till the date of payment)
3The final tax liability for the first two months is less than or equal to the amount paid through pre-filled form GST PMT-06Nil
4The final tax liability for the first two months is higher than the tax amount paid through pre-filled form GST PMT-06, and such excess liability has been paid within quarterly GSTR-3B due dateNil
5The final tax liability for the first two months is higher than the tax amount paid through pre-filled form GST PMT-06, and such excess liability has not been paid within quarterly GSTR-3B due date18% of the tax liability(from GSTR-3B due date* till the date of payment)

*22nd or 24th of the month succeeding such quarters based on the state of the taxpayer.

The interest will be applicable as follows if the taxpayer opts for Self Assessment Method (SAM):

The taxpayer has to pay interest at 18% on the net tax liability which remains unpaid or paid beyond the due date for the first two months of the quarter.

It is important to note that the taxpayer has to pay interest at18% if there is any late payment of tax in the third month of a quarter. This is applicable irrespective of Fixed Sum Method (FSM), popular as 35% challan method, or Self Assessment Method (SAM).

Late fee under QRMP scheme

The late fee should be paid as follows if the quarterly GSTR-3B is not filed within due date, subject to a maximum late fees of Rs 5,000:

Name of the ActLate fee for everyday of delayLate fee for everyday of delay(in case of ‘Nil’tax liability)
CGST ActRs.25Rs.10
SGST ActRs.25Rs.10
IGST ActRs.50Rs.20

However, it is clarified that no late fee is applicable for delay in payment of tax in the first two months of the quarter in form PMT-06.

Issues or Challenges under QRMP

Whether to opt into QRMP or to continue with monthly returns must be decided for each of the GSTINs of a business (PAN), which can be tedious and time consuming. The segregation of the documents as B2B and non-B2B must also be done where the taxpayer opting into the scheme uses the Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF). 

It would help in moving the B2B documents to IFF and rest directly to the quarterly GSTR-1 return. Moreover, the reconciliation between IFF, sales register and GSTR-1 becomes more essential. Further, the taxpayer under QRMP scheme must choose between two methods for tax payment every month, i.e. Fixed Sum/35% challan Method and Self-assessment Method.

How Clear helps QRMP taxpayers?

All the above challenges listed down can be addressed using a single solution – Clear GST software. The following features will help any business as well as tax professional to comply with the rules listed down for the QRMP scheme.

  • Single window to modify QRMP Profile for all your GSTINs in one go
  • Auto Preparation of Quarterly GSTR 1 and GSTR-3B from Sales and Purchases Registers
  • Fetching of Turnover and Filing Frequency from GST Portal
  • Option to Upload B2B Invoices/CDN in IFF from Sales Register 
  • Automation of Challan Creation, Payment and Track Payment Status 

What’s more:

You can enjoy value added features to save time and effort manifold!

  • Intuitive Payment Dashboard for Challan Management and Tax Saving Optimization
  • Bulk Challan Status Check, Bulk Email Sharing and Bulk download of Challans
  • Reconciliation of Sales with Monthly IFF and Quarterly GSTR-1
About the Author

I preach the words, “Learning never exhausts the mind.” An aspiring CA and a passionate content writer having 4+ years of hands-on experience in deciphering jargon in Indian GST, Income Tax, off late also into the much larger Indian finance ecosystem, I love curating content in various forms to the interest of tax professionals, and enterprises, both big and small. While not writing, you can catch me singing Shāstriya Sangeetha and tuning my violin ;). Read more

Clear offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. Clear serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

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CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner. Our Goods & Services Tax course includes tutorial videos, guides and expert assistance to help you in mastering Goods and Services Tax. Clear can also help you in getting your business registered for Goods & Services Tax Law.

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Cleartax is a product by Defmacro Software Pvt. Ltd.

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