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How to e-Verify Your Income Tax Return

By Ektha Surana


Updated on: Jul 25th, 2024


6 min read

If you have filed your income tax return for the previous year, then now its your time to verify your returns. It is mandatory to verify your Income tax Returns. If you fail to verify it on time, your ITR will be considered invalid, meaning it is as good as you have not filed your return. 

Latest Updates: 
The CBDT has reduced the time limit of ITR verification to 30 days (from 120 days) from the date of return submission. The new rule is applicable for the returns filed online on or after 1st August 2022. 

E-verification is the most convenient and instant method for verifying your ITR. However, if you prefer not to e-verify, you have the option to verify it by sending a physical copy of the ITR-V.

Steps to E-verify your Tax Return

There are several methods available for e-verifying your ITR:

  1. e-Verify through Cleartax
  2. Generate Aadhaar OTP
  3. Existing Aadhaar OTP
  4. Existing EVC
  5. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  6. Generate EVC through a bank account
  7. Generate EVC through the Net Banking
  8. Generate EVC through DEMAT account
  9. Generate EVC through bank ATM option (offline)

Method 1: E-Verify through Cleartax

Step 1: After submitting your return through Cleartax website, you can click on the 'E-verify Now' and complete the verification instantly. However, if you missed e-verifying at the time of return filing, please refer to the next step.

e-Verify ClearTax

Step 1.1: Log in to your account on Cleartax and navigate to ‘My Tax Returns’ option.

ClearTax login

Step 2: You have two options for completing the e-verification: either through OTP received on your Aadhaar registered mobile number or through the Bank EVC. Just select your preferred option and enter the OTP or the Bank EVC on the next screen. 

e-Verify ClearTax

Step 2.2:  Once you enter the OTP and press verify OTP. Your return will be e-verified and you will see a success message with an acknowledgement number. You will also receive an email confirmation from the Income Tax Department.

e-Verify  successful ClearTax

E-verification on Income Tax Portal

Now let us see how to e-verify your ITR on the Income Tax e-Filing portal

Method 2: E-verification through Aadhaar OTP

  • Log in to your Income Tax e-filing account. Under the ‘e-file’ tab > select ‘Income Tax Returns’ > then ‘e-Verify Return’.
  • If you do not have Aadhaar OTP available with you: Select the option ‘I would like to verify using OTP on mobile number registered with Aadhaar'. 
  • If you already have the Aadhaar OTP with you: Refer to ‘method 3’ 

    Note: For e-verification of your ITR through Aadhaar, ensure that your mobile number is linked to Aadhaar. Also, ensure that your PAN is linked with your Aadhaar number. 
e-Verification Through Aadhaar OTP
  • You will see a pop-up window on your screen. Tick the checkbox stating 'I agree to validate my Aadhaar details' and then click on 'Generate Aadhaar OTP'.
validate Aadhaar

  • Enter the 6-digit OTP received on your registered mobile number and click on the ‘Validate’ button. On successful submission, your ITR will be verified.  
    Note: OTP will be valid only for 15 minutes.
e-verify income tax return

Method 3: E-verification through Aadhaar OTP already Available

  • If you already have an Aadhaar OTP available: Select ‘I already have an OTP on my Mobile number registered with Aadhaar’.
e-Verification Through Aadhaar OTP
  • Enter the OTP and click on the ‘Continue’.
e-Verification Aadhaar OTP

Method 4: E-verification through Existing EVC

  • If you already have an EVC code, select ‘I already have an Electronic Verification Code (EVC)’.
 e-Verification Through Existing EVC
  • Enter the EVC and click on ‘Continue’.

Method 5: E-verification using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Earlier it was compulsory to get the e-verification done through Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in a case where books of accounts are audited,  however, the said rule is now done away with and you can e-verify your return without DSC even if the tax audit provisions are applicable to you.  

  • On the e-verify page, select the option ‘I would like to e-Verify using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)’. 
e-Verification Using Digital Signature Certificate
  • Now download and install the 'emsigner utility’.
verify with Digital Signature Certificate
  • After you download and install the emsigner utility, select the option ‘I have downloaded and installed emsigner utility’ and ‘Continue’.
verify with digital signature certificate
  • Add the 'provider', 'certificate', and 'provider password' on the Data Sign page. Then, simply click on the 'Sign' button.
data sign

After completing the process, you will see a success message and a Transaction ID. Make sure to record the Transaction ID for future use. Additionally, a confirmation message will be sent to the email address and mobile number registered with the e-Filing portal.

Method 6: E-verification through Net Banking

If you want to e-verify using the net banking facility, you need to have an active net banking facility on your bank account.

  • Select ‘Through Net Banking’ option and click on ‘Continue’.
e-Verification Through Net Banking

  • Choose your bank and click on 'Continue’. 
login with net banking

  • Review and acknowledge the disclaimer and ‘Continue’.

  • You will be redirected to the login page of your bank's net banking portal. 
  • Enter your net banking credentials 
  • You will have an 'e-verify your return' option. Select that. 
  • You will again be redirected to the e-filing portal. 
  • Go to the respective ITR form and click on ‘e-verify.

Method 7: E-verification through Bank Account

  • To know how to prevalidate your bank account, click here
  • EVC will be generated and sent to your mobile number and email ID registered with your prevalidated and EVC-enabled bank account.
  • On the ‘e-Verify’ page, select ‘Through Bank Account’ and click ‘Continue’.
e-Verification Through Bank Account
  • Enter the EVC received on your mobile number and email ID registered with your bank account and click on the ‘e-verify’ button.
Enter the EVC received on your mobile number and email ID

Method 8: E-verification through Demat Account

  • Verifying ITR through a Demat account is similar to verification via a bank account.
  • The only difference is that the EVC will be generated and sent to your mobile number and email ID registered with your prevalidated and EVC-enabled Demat account. 
  • On the ‘e-Verify’ page, select ‘Through Demat Account’ and click ‘Continue’
e-Verification Through Demat Account
  • Enter EVC  received and click on the ‘e-Verify’ button.
mobile number and email ID

Method 9: E-verification through Bank ATM

There is another offline method of generating EVC. It is through bank ATM cards. This facility is available only for limited banks such as Canara Bank, Axis Bank, Central Bank of India, SBI, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, and Kotak Mahindra Bank. All you will need to do is visit your bank’s ATM and swipe your ATM card. 

  • Enter your ATM PIN and select ‘Generate EVC for income tax filing'. 
  • An EVC will be sent to your mobile number and email ID registered with the e-filing portal. It is important to note that your PAN must be registered with the bank. 
  • Next, log in to your account and select ‘I already have an Electronic Verification Code (EVC)’. Now, enter the EVC code and click on e-verify.


  1. If you want to e-verify without login to your e-filing account, please visit this page.
  2. If you want to verify your ITR offline, download ITR acknowledgment and send the physical ITR receipt to the CPC. Know the steps for sending the physical copy of ITR-V.

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Can't get yourself started on taxes?
Get a Cleartax expert to handle all your tax filing start-to-finish

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it mandatory to verify ITR?

Uploading ITR alone does not complete the return filing process. Verification of return is important to complete the return filing process.

Is it possible to verify my returns online if I filed them over 30 days ago and the 30 day time limit has elapsed?

Yes, you can still verify your returns online. However, you will need to submit a ‘condonation request’ for condonation of delay, providing a valid reason for the delay. The verification of your return will only be considered complete after the Income Tax Department approves the condonation request.

Can someone else verify my return on my behalf, such as an Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee?

Yes, an Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee can e-Verify your return on your behalf. They can use any of the following methods:

  • Aadhaar OTP: An OTP will be sent to the mobile number registered with Aadhaar of the Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee.
  • Net Banking: An EVC generated through net banking will be sent to the mobile number and email ID registered with the e-filing portal of the Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee.
  • Bank Account / Demat Account EVC: An EVC generated through the pre-validated and EVC-enabled bank account or demat account will be sent to the mobile number and email ID registered with the e-filing portal of the Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee.
How will I know that my e-Verification is complete?

If you are e-Verifying your own return, the following will indicate that your return has been verified:

  • A success message will be displayed, along with a Transaction ID.
  • An email will be sent to the email ID registered with the e-filing portal.

If an Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee is e-Verifying on your behalf, the following will indicate that your return has been verified:

  • A success message will be displayed, along with a Transaction ID.
  • After successful verification, an email confirmation will be sent to the primary email ID of both the Authorized Signatory or Representative Assessee and your email ID.
If my registered mobile number is not updated with Aadhaar, can I still e-verify my return using Aadhaar OTP?

No, you need to update your mobile number with Aadhaar to e-verify your return using Aadhaar OTP.

If my demat account or bank account is inactive, can I still e-verify my return using it?

No, you need to have an active demat or bank account that is pre-validated and EVC-enabled on the e-filing portal to e-verify your return using your demat account or bank account.

Will there be any penalty for delaying the e-Verification process?

If you fail to verify your return on time, it will be considered as if you have not filed your return, resulting in the consequences associated with not filing a return. However, you can request condonation of delay by providing an appropriate reason. Only after submitting such a request and having it approved by the Income Tax Authority, your return will be considered valid.

How can I verify my return?

You can verify your return electronically. You can e-verify your return on ClearTax. See the steps given above. An online e-verification can be done using any of these methods:

  • OTP on mobile number registered with Aadhaar, or
  • Net Banking, or
  • EVC generated through your pre-validated demat account, or
  • EVC generated through your pre-validated bank account, or
  • EVC through ATM (offline method), or
  • Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
  • Aadhaar OTP or EVC generated through net banking, bank account, or Demat account. 

If you cannot e-verify your return, you can download the return filing acknowledgement, i.e. ITR-V, print, sign, and send the same to the CPC- Bangalore to process your return.

Further, suppose you are filing a return manually (if you are not bound to file your return online). In that case, you may sign your return of income to verify it and submit the same in the office of your jurisdictional income.

What is the ‘capacity’ column in the verification tab of the income tax return?

A return can be verified and signed by the individual himself or any person authorised under Section 140(a). Following are the cases where a person other than the individual can sign: 

  • Where the individual is not in India– any person he authorises to sign on his behalf 
  • If he is mentally incapacitated– his guardian or any other person competent to act on his behalf 
  • For any other reason– if the individual is unable to sign, any person whom he authorises to sign on his behalf
How can one generate an Aadhaar OTP to e-verify return?

After filing ITR, it can be e-verified using an Aadhaar OTP. To e-verify through Aadhaar, you must link your Aadhaar with your PAN and registered mobile number. After doing so, follow the below steps to e-verify: 

  • Click on the ‘e-File’ menu and select ‘e-Verify Return’.
  • Click on the e-verify link and select Option 3 – 'I would like to e-verify using OTP on a mobile number registered with Aadhaar’.
  • You will get an OTP on your registered mobile number.
  • Enter the OTP and click on the ‘Validate’ button
I have e-filed my return. I have printed my ITR-V, signed it, and sent it to CPC. However, I have received a notice from CPC that they have not received ITR-V yet. Also, 30 days from when I filed my return has also lapsed. What should I do?

You may resend your ITR-V once again to CPC. You will not be treated as a taxpayer not having filed his return as long as you can show sufficient proof of having sent the ITR V to CPC for the first time.

What if my ITR V is rejected?

If your ITR V receipt status shows as ITR-V Rejected, then in such case, click on the Acknowledgement Number & the reason for ITR V rejection will be shown.

ITR V can be rejected for various reasons, such as you may have sent a return for verification after 30 days, or ITR V was folded or stapled, etc. Make sure you correct the mistake & resend ITR V (other than cases where the 30-day limit has been exceeded).

Is there an option to e-verify ITR even after 30 days?

The income tax department gives an option to file a Condonation of delay request after the original time period of 30 days. While submitting the request, you are required to

  • Select the Reason for such delay (Reason for delay can be selected from the pre-specified drop-down list.) Also, if your reason is not listed, select others and enter the details in the remarks.
  • Specify Remarks (if any)
  • Enter the OTP received on the Aadhar-linked mobile number.

Submitting a successful condonation request does not warrant that the Income Tax Return will accept the same, and your return will be e-verified. The requisite authorities would judge the validity and genuineness of the request before accepting your request.

What are the different types of Net banking for E-verification?

  • SBI Net Banking
  • HDFC Net Banking
  • ICICI Net Banking
  • Axis Net Banking
  • Kotak Mahindra Net Banking
  • Yes Net Banking
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About the Author

Multitasking between pouring myself coffees and poring over the ever-changing tax laws. Here, I've authored 100+ blogs on income tax and simplified complex income tax topics like the intimidating crypto tax rules, old vs new tax regime debate, changes in debt funds taxation, budget analysis and more. Some combinations I like- tax and content, finance & startups, technology & psychology, fitness & neuroscience. Read more

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