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Khatha Registration and Khatha Transfer

Updated on: Jul 1st, 2024


2 min read

Khatha of a property is when that property is recorded in the property register maintained in a Municipality or Corporation. When a property is registered with the Municipality or Corporation, it is assessed to tax, assigned a municipal number and records the person primarily responsible to pay the property tax.

In Bangalore

Generally, property-related work always triggers a sense of alarm, stress and worry. The thought of getting documents sorted with regard to any property is rendered as a laborious task by the general public. However, one way or another, minds are made up to get it done, considering its relevance and importance.

What is a Khatha?

In simple words, Khatha is nothing but an account. Khatha is the document that shows the account of the owner of the property registered in the property register with the Municipality or a Corporation. Since we are focusing on Bangalore here, the account has to be with BBMP (Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike). Once the property is registered with the Municipality or Corporation, the property will be assessed to tax, will have its own municipal number and the details of the person who is primarily responsible to pay the property tax will be registered.

Types of Khatha

A KhathaB Khatha
Considered as a legal propertyConsidered as an illegal or semi-legal property
Falls under BBMP jurisdictionFalls under local jurisdiction
Transfer of ownership is possibleNot possible
Loans can be availedCannot avail loans
Building plan approval, building license, trade license can be obtainedCannot obtain the same
Permission for constructionCannot proceed with construction
Water and electricity connections can be applied forCannot apply for the same
Resale of property is possibleImprovements to property/resale is not permitted

Contents of a Khatha

  • Property owner’s name
  • Size of the property/measurement of the property
  • Location of the property
  • Built-up area of the property
  • Whether the property is vacant or occupied
  • Purpose of utilisation of the property
  • The annual value of the property

This list is not exhaustive.  

Registration and Transfer of Khatha

Step 1:- The copy of the sale deed of the property needs to be attested by a notary.

Step 2:- Obtaining an Encumbrance Certificate is the next step. The role of an Encumbrance Certificate is that it acts as an assurance that the property is free from any money or legal liability. Generally, it takes up to a week to obtain an Encumbrance Certificate.

Step 3:- Next, log onto the Sakala website – Click on the option ‘Suvarna Khatha Application Form for Khatha Registration/Transfer’ and take a printout of the application form that is available on the website. Alternatively, one can also visit the BBMP Assistant Revenue Officer Office and obtain the Khatha application form on payment of Rs.10/-.

Step 4:- The application must then be filled accurately with the relevant documents attached as well.

Step 5:- On completion, the form must be submitted to the BBMP office. An acknowledgement for the same will be given for tracking purposes.

Step 6:- Track the application on a weekly basis. The time period for approval is subject to variation.

Step 7:- Where there is no response from the BBMP Office for two months, an RTI may be filed to seek information regarding the status of the application.

Step 8:- On successful processing of the application, the property assessment will be made by a revenue officer from the BBMP for verification purposes.

Step 9:- A Khatha registration fee of 2% of the property value as mentioned in the sale deed is to be paid to the BBMP. On payment of this registration fee, the notification regarding the payment of the pending property tax amount will be received. This is the indication that the property has been registered in your name. This tax amount has to be paid within 15 days.

Step 10:- On payment of the property tax, the Khatha extract will be issued in your name. Note:-

  1. Commercial properties are charged twice the amount of tax as compared to residential properties.
  2. For the transfer of Khatha, the formalities are significantly less. Additionally, the documents required are slightly varied.


The facility of E-Khatha can be availed only by Type A Khatha properties, not by Type B Khatha holders. This is because A Khatha properties are assigned a Property Identification Number (PID) which is received once the property verification is done by the relevant revenue officer.

Conversion of A Khatha to B Khatha

The B Khatha has its limitations, hence it is always advisable to get it converted into A Khatha. This can be done on the payment of ‘Betterment Charges’ which generally is a 2% fee.

Documents required for Registration and Transfer of Khatha

For Khatha Transfer

ParticularsCategory of PropertyDocuments to be enclosed
For Khatha RegistrationProperties allotted by Bangalore Development Authority / Karnataka Housing Board
  • Application in the prescribed form 
  • Attested copy of the title deed 
  • Copies of previous tax paid receipts 
  • Possession certificate 
  • Sketch showing the location of property
Revenue Pockets, BDA Reconveyed areas, Gramathana, high rise buildings (both apartments and commercial complexes)
  • Application in the prescribed form
  • Title documents, flow chart of the title
  • Copies of previous tax paid receipts
  • Proof of improvement charges paid 
  • Khatha extract issued by previous authority / local body 
  • Sketch showing the location and measurements of the property
  • Application in the prescribed form 
  • Title documents, flow chart of the title
  • Copy of up to date tax paid receipt
  • Affidavit regarding / inheritance / gift / court decree
  • Original Death certificate (in case of Khathadar’s death)


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