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How to Use Bulk Generation Facility on the e-Way Bill Portal?

Updated on: Dec 12th, 2024


3 min read

Large-sized businesses or logistic operators having many consignments across the country on a single day to handle would prefer a simple and time-saving system where they generate all the required e-Way Bills (EWBs) or update vehicle details by a single file upload.

This can be made possible by using the facility of bulk generation of e-way bills on the e-way bills portal.

A bulk e-way bill option is used when a user needs to generate multiple e-way bills/ consolidated EWBs/update multiple e-way bills in one shot by a single upload.

In this article, we cover the step-by-step process to be followed for the bulk generation of e-way bills and consolidated EWBs on the e-way bill portal.

Latest Updates

29th August 2021
From 1st May 2021 to 18th August 2021, the taxpayers will not face blocking of e-way bills for non-filing of GSTR-1 or GSTR-3B (two months or more for monthly filer and one quarter or more for QRMP taxpayers) for March 2021 to May 2021.

4th August 2021
Blocking of e-way bills due to non-filing of GSTR-3B resumes from 15th August 2021.

1st June 2021
1. The e-way bill portal, in its release notes, has clarified that a suspended GSTIN cannot generate an e-way bill. However, a suspended GSTIN as a recipient or as a transporter can get a generated e-way bill. 
2. the mode of transport ‘Ship’ has now been updated to ‘Ship/Road cum Ship’ so that the user can enter a vehicle number where goods are initially moved by road and a bill of lading number and date for movement by ship. This will help in availing the ODC benefits for movement using ships and facilitate the updating of vehicle details as and when moved on road. 

18th May 2021
The CBIC in Notification 15/2021-Central Tax has notified that the blocking of GSTINs for e-Way Bill generation is now considered only for the defaulting supplier’s GSTIN and not for the defaulting recipient or the transporter’s GSTIN.

The prerequisites for bulk generation

Prerequisites to bulk generate e-way bills/consolidated EWBs are:

  • Registration on the e-way bill portal.
  • You should have the invoice/ bill/ challan related to the consignment of goods.
  • Transporter ID or the vehicle number (for transport by road).
  • Transporter ID, transporter document number, and date on the document (for transport by rail, air, or ship).
  • You need the EWB JSON template or EWB bulk converter or the excel template to be updated for the particulars at points laid down between 2 to 4.
  • If you are generating consolidated EWBs, then you must have all the individual e-way bill numbers of the consignments to be transported.

How to prepare data for upload using templates?

Templates are available for the following:

  1. To bulk-generate e-way bills
  2. To bulk-update vehicle details

To bulk-generate e-way bills

You can use either of the below two methods of preparing the data file for uploading on the portal to generate Bulk EWBs:

Method 1

Step 1: Download the JSON template: “e-Way Bill JSON Format” / “Consolidated e-Way Bill JSON Format” file

Step 2: Update the downloaded file with the requisite details. The file in JSON is ready for upload.

Method 2

Step 1: Download the excel template: “e-Way Bill JSON Format.xlsx” or “ Consolidated e-Way Bill JSON Format.xlsx”.

Step 2: Download the converter tool: “ e-Way Bill converter tool.xlsm” or “Consolidated e-Way Bill converter tool.xlsm”.

The tool helps convert the multiple e-way bills/ consolidated EWBs excel file into a single JSON file.

Step 3: Update the .xlsx file (excel template) with the requisite details.

Step 4: Use the .xlsm converter tool to convert the excel file into a JSON file.

The resulting file in JSON is ready for upload.

Which method to choose for the bulk generation of e-way bills?

The second method, i.e. using a bulk converter tool to convert excel into a JSON template, is preferable over the first, i.e. updating the JSON template directly and using it.

The reason being there is a validation that takes place when you convert the updated excel template into the JSON template, where any errors shall be reported to you for your corrections even before uploading the JSON file.

To bulk-update vehicle details

Click on ‘How to Use’ from the home page tabs.

How to Use

Now, download the ‘Vehicle No Updation JSON Preparation’ template from ‘Bulk Generation Tools’.

Vehicle No Updation JSON Preparation

Once the template is downloaded, fill up the details and validate the file by clicking on the ‘Validate’ button in the excel file.

After validating for any errors, click on ‘Prepare JSON’. The JSON file is ready for use!

Steps to upload the filled-in template on the e-way bill portal

For bulk-generation of e-way bills

Once the updated JSON File is ready for upload, you must follow the following steps to generate a single EWB or consolidated EWBs.

Step 1: Login using the username, password and captcha code.

e-way bill login

Step 2: Select ‘ Generate bulk’ under the ‘e-way bill ’ option or ‘consolidated EWB’ option as per your choice, appearing on the left-hand side of the dashboard.

Generate bulk


Generate bulk under consolidated EWB

Step 3: Choose the saved JSON file from your system and click ‘Upload and Generate’

Upload and Generate

After processing the JSON file, the system generates EWBs in a list as depicted below:

generates EWBs in a list

You can copy the resulting listed e-way bill numbers and date of generation and paste the same into a document saved on your system for further action.

Errors, if any, appear against each EWB entry. Make corrections accordingly and process it again.

For bulk-updation of vehicle details

You must follow the below steps for updating vehicle details once the updated JSON File is ready for upload.

Step 1: Select ‘Update Vehicle-Bulk’ under the e-way bill option on the dashboard.

'Update Vehicle-Bulk

Step 2: Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the JSON file you want to upload.

Choose File

Step 3: Click on ‘Generate’ to update the vehicle details for the Eway bills inputted through the JSON file.

How to download bulk generation tools from the EWB portal?

You can follow the below path to download the e-way bill tools such as the EWB excel file, EWB JSON template, EWB bulk converter tool, and Vehicle no updation JSON preparation.

Home page –> ‘HOW TO USE’ –> Select ‘Tools’ –> Click ‘Bulk Generation Tools’.

Home page --> ‘HOW TO USE'”/></figure>

<p>The following screen appears:</p>

<figure class=List of bulk generation tools

Click on the desired file/format to download.

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