ICICI Bank Statement Password: Format, Example & Steps to Open ICICI Bank Statement PDF

By Mayashree Acharya


Updated on: Mar 12th, 2025


2 min read

ICICI Bank provides its customers with e-statements in secure PDF format to ensure data protection and prevent unauthorised access. These statements contain crucial financial details, including account balances and transaction history. 

Understanding the ICICI Bank statement password format and how to open it ensures seamless access to your banking details.

What is ICICI Bank Statement Password?

ICICI Bank statement password is a security feature that safeguards e-statements with a password. These PDF statements contain essential data, such as transaction history, account balances, and personal information, preventing unauthorised access.

Why Does ICICI Bank Use Password Protection for Statements?

ICICI Bank uses password protection for its bank statements to protect and secure sensitive personal and financial information from unauthorised access, identity theft, and financial loss. This ensures that only the account holder can view their private details. The bank adheres to strict regulations designed to protect confidential data, adding an essential layer of security.

ICICI Bank Account Statement Password Format

The ICICI e-statement password consists of the first four letters of the account holder’s name, followed by their date and month of birth. For corporate account holders, the date and month of incorporation are used instead. The password is case-sensitive and must be entered in lowercase to access the e-statement securely.

How to Open ICICI Bank Statement PDF?

Once a customer’s email ID is registered with ICICI Bank, they can receive their bank statement via email. The bank also provides a monthly subscription service, allowing customers to get their statements in the first week of each month. 

To open the ICICI Bank statement PDF password, you need to use a password, i.e. a combination of the account holder’s name and date of birth. By entering this password, the customer can securely access their statement in PDF format, ensuring data protection and privacy.

Example of ICICI Bank Statement Password 

The table below provides ICICI Bank statement password examples for better understanding:

NameDate of BirthICICI Bank Statement Password Example
Rohit Mehra08th June 1992ROHI0806
Priya Nair15th September 1985PRIY1509
Arjun Verma22nd January 1990ARJU2201

ICICI Bank uses password-protected statements to enhance security and safeguard sensitive financial data. By following the correct password format, customers can easily access their statements while ensuring their information remains private.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the password of the ICICI bank statement?

The ICICI Bank statement password is a combination of specific personal details to ensure secure access. It consists of the first four letters of the account holder’s title, followed by their date and month of birth in DDMM format.

How to open an ICICI bank e-statement PDF password?

To open your ICICI Bank e-statement PDF, use the password, which is a combination of the first four letters of your name in uppercase and your date and month of birth in DDMM format. For example, if your name is Rohit Mehra and your DOB is 08th June 1992, your password will be ROHI0806. Enter this password to access your statement securely.

How to open an ICICI bank credit card statement PDF password?

ICICI Bank sends credit card statements as password-protected PDF files to ensure security. To open the file, you need to enter a password, which is a combination of the first four letters of your name and your date of birth.

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I am an advocate by profession and have a keen interest in writing. I write articles in various categories, from legal, business, personal finance, and investments to government schemes. I put words in a simplified manner and write easy-to-understand articles. Read more

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