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The Telangana government started the disbursement of Rs.7,720.29 crore to about 70 lakh farmers under the 11th tranche of the Rythu Bandhu scheme on 26 June 2023. This year, 5 lakh new farmers’ accounts were added under the scheme, including 1.5 lakh Podu farmers owning around four lakh acres of Podu lands.
The Telangana government’s Agriculture and Farmer Welfare Department introduced the Rythu Bandhu Scheme, also known as Agriculture Investment Support Scheme, to enhance the agriculture productivity and income for the farmers of Telangana state. It introduced this scheme in the year 2018-19 Kharif season to take care of the initial investment needs of all farmers.
The Rythu Bandhu Scheme is a support scheme for the farmers in Telangana state. Under this scheme, the government provides cheque payments to the farmers based on their landholdings instead of Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) since banks might use the DBT money to adjust against the previous dues of the farmers.
The Agriculture Department of the State Government is the nodal agency for this scheme, and the agriculture officers posted at the sub-district level are the nodal officers for the scheme’s implementation. Banking institutions in the state are important stakeholders and are proactively involved at the village and sub-district levels to disburse cash benefits. The participating banks under this scheme are private, public sector, and cooperative banks.
The Rythu Bandhu Scheme has two-fold objectives:
It aims to help the state’s farmers meet a significant part of their expenses on fertiliser, pesticide, seed and field preparation.
The government will give Rs.10,000 per acre every year to all Telangana farmers. It is given in two tranches or installments, i.e. Rs.5,000 per acre per crop season (Rabi and Kharif seasons). There is no cap on the number of acres. Thus, all farmers get Rs.5,000 for each acre they own every crop season.
All farmers who own land can apply for this scheme by contacting the Mandal Revenue Officer (MRO) or local agriculture officers and giving them their bank account details.
Farmers can check the Rythu Bandhu Scheme amount distribution status by following the below process:
Under the Rythu Bandhu Scheme, the Telangana government will give each farmer Rs.5,000 per acre every season through a cheque. It is applicable for crops in Rabi and Kharif seasons. Thus, the eligible farmers get Rs.10,000 from the government every year (Rs.5,000 per acre for the Rabi season and Rs.5,000 per acre for the Kharif season) to buy chemicals, seeds, fertiliser, and other needs for agriculture.
Farmers apply for loans from banks that are not approved quickly in time for the crop season and thus get delayed. The Rythu Bandhu money provides a cushion to the farmers because, with the scheme money, the farmer can purchase fertiliser and seeds and start sowing. Plus, the amount provided under this scheme will help Telangana farmers eliminate all their debts over four or five years.
Along with this scheme money, the government also provides farmers with many other facilities like free pesticides and insecticides. Through this scheme, the farmer’s financial condition will improve, and they will become self-dependent.
Rythu Bandhu Scheme helpline number - 040 2338 3520
The government will provide Rs.5,000 per acre each season to all eligible farmers in the state in 2023. On 26 June 2023, the government distributed the first installment of Rs.5,000 to around 70 lakh farmers.
Farmers can check the Rythu Bandhu Scheme status through the official Rythu Bandhu website by clicking on the ‘Cheque Distribution Venue Schedule’ option and entering the required details.
All farmers residing in Telangana state and owning lands are eligible for this scheme. However, commercial farmers and tenant farmers are not eligible under this scheme.
There is no age limit for the Rythu Bandhu scheme. All farmers owning lands are eligible under this scheme.
The government will provide Rs.10,000 per acre every season under the Rythu Bandhu scheme. It will provide Rs.5,000 per acre in the Rabi season and Rs.5,000 per acre in the Kharif season.
The government provides Rs.5,000 per acre every season under the Rythu Bandhu Scheme.