Tax Refunds for Individuals
Permanent Account Number or PAN Card is a nationalised identity card. Without a PAN, you will not be able to carry out any financial transaction. It is the Indian Income Tax Department that allocates this 10-digit alphanumeric and unique account number to an individual, company, HUF or other tax-paying person. It has a lifetime validity.
PAN cards can be applied both online and offline. Further, requests for changes or corrections in PAN data may also be made online. The online process is the most hassle-free way of obtaining a PAN. The applicant is only required to fill and submit the online application form along with online payment of the respective processing fee. Copies of required documents can then be sent by post to either NSDL or UTIITSL for verification purposes.
Online PAN card applications can be made on the Income Tax portal using Aadhaar, the NSDL website or the UTIITSL website. Both these websites have been authorised by the Government of India to issue the PAN or to make changes/corrections in the PAN on behalf of the Income Tax Department.
Below are the documents required to be submitted along with the PAN card application:
Click here for the entire list of documents.
Individuals having valid Aadhaar number can now apply for e-PAN instantly without filling up any application form. Here are the steps to apply for instant PAN card:
Step 1: Go to the Income Tax portal and click on ‘Instant e-PAN’ option.
Step 2: On the next page, click on ‘Get New e-PAN’.
Step 3: Enter your Aadhaar number and click ‘Continue’.
Step 4: The OTP validation page will be displayed. Tick the checkbox and accept the terms and conditions. Click on the ‘Continue’ button.
Step 5: Enter the OTP received on your Aadhaar registered mobile number, tick the checkbox and click ‘Continue’.
Step 6: You will see your personal details, such as name, date of birth, etc., as per your Aadhaar card. Click on ‘Validate Email’ to validate your email, tick the checkbox, and click ‘Continue’.
You will receive acknowledgement number and a confirmation message on your mobile number. Once e-PAN is alloted you will be intimated on the same. Usually, the e-PAN card will be generated within 10 minutes and you can download the same from the Income Tax portal.
If you want a hard copy of your PAN card, you might have to pay additional fees and request for delivery using reprint option.
The instant e-PAN card facility is available only to individual citizens above 18 years of age having a valid Aadhaar number and Aadhaar-linked mobile number. Any person other than Indian citizens, like NRIs, partnership firms, HUFs, companies, trusts, etc., cannot apply for an instant e-PAN card.
Step 1: Visit the NSDL website.
Step 2: Select the application type as 'New PAN - Indian Citizen (Form 49A)' or ‘New PAN - Foreign Citizen (Form 49AA)’.
Select the applicable category and title, enter the last name, first name, middle name, date of birth/ incorporation, email and mobile number.
Tick the checkbox, validate captcha and click ‘Submit’.
Step 3: You will receive a Token Number on your email ID. Click on the ‘Continue with PAN Application Form’ button.
Step 4: Read the detailed instructions before filling in the details on the PAN card application form. Click here to view the PAN card application instructions.
Select the mode of submission of PAN card documents and if you require a physical PAN card.
Fill out the required details on the form, such as personal details, contact details, and AO code, and upload the documents.
Step 5: After submitting the PAN card application, the payment page will appear. Select the mode of payment and pay the required fees. Payment can be made through credit/debit card, demand draft or net-banking.
Upon successful payment, an acknowledgment will be displayed through which you can check your application status. It will also be sent to your email ID.
Please note: If you choose the ‘Forward application documents physically’ option on the PAN card application, you will have to take a print out of the acknowledgement and send the acknowledgement along with the attachment of the required documents to the following address by post:
Income Tax PAN Services Unit,
Protean eGov Technologies Limited,
4th Floor, Sapphire Chambers,
Baner Road, Baner, Pune - 411045
Once the application is processed and the PAN card is generated, it will be sent to your email or residential address within 15-20 days.
Step 1: Visit the UTIITSL website.
Step 2: Click the ‘Click to Appy’ under the ‘PAN Card for Indian Citizen/ NRI' tab or PAN Card for Foreign Citizen' tab.
Step 3: Select the ‘Apply for New PAN Card (Form 49A)’ tab or ‘Apply for New PAN Card (Form 49AA)’ tab.
Step 4: Select the mode of submission of documents, status of applicant, the PAN card mode and click the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 5: You will receive a reference number. Click ‘OK’.
Step 6: Enter the required details on the form, such as personal details, document details, contact and parent details, address details and other details. Upload the required documents and submit the form.
Step 7: Make the payment of the application fee. On successful payment, an acknowledgment will be displayed and sent to your email ID.
Please note: If If you choose the ‘Physical Mode’ option on the PAN card form, you will have to take a print out of the form, affix photograph and signature, attach the documents to the form and post them to any one of the following nearest UTIITSL offices:
1) PAN PDC Incharge - Mumbai region,
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited,
Plot No. 3, Sector 11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400614
2) PAN PDC Incharge - Kolkata region,
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited,
29, N. S. Road, Ground Floor,
Opp. Gilander House and Standard Chartered Bank,
Kolkata - 700001
3) PAN PDC Incharge - Chennai region,
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited,
D-1, First Floor,
Thiru -Vi-Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai - 600032
4) PAN PDC Incharge - New Delhi region,
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited,
1/28 Sunlight Building, Asaf Ali Road,
New Delhi -110002
The UTIITSL will process the application and documents and issue the PAN card within 15 days.
Step 1: Download the ‘Form 49A’ or ‘Form 49AA’ from the Protean e-Gov website. You can also obtain the PAN card application form from the nearest PAN centre.
Step 2: Fill in the details in the application.
Step 3: Attach your signature and photograph to the application.
Step 4: Submit the form and the required documents to the nearest PAN centre.
Step 5: Pay the fees for PAN card application.
Step 6: You will get the acknowledgement number from which you can track the status of your PAN card application status.
Once the documents are verified, a PAN card will be issued within 15 days.
The Ministry of Corporate affairs has integrated the PAN allotment at the time of company incorporation itself. Thus, for one person companies, private limited companies, public limited companies and limited liability partnership firms, there is no requirement for making separate PAN applications. PAN is allotted automatically at the time of incorporation and will be reflected in such incorporation certificate.
Click here to know more about PAN card allotment for companies.
The PAN card application fees vary depending on the option you choose for dispatching your PAN card. The PAN card application fees are as follows:
Mode of application submission | Mode of Dispatch of PAN card | Fees (Including GST) |
PAN application submitted offline or online using physical mode of document submission | Dispatch of physical PAN card in India | Rs. 107 |
Dispatch of physical PAN card outside India | Rs. 1,017 | |
PAN application submitted online through paperless mode | Dispatch of physical PAN card in India | Rs. 101 |
Dispatch of physical PAN card in India | Rs. 1,011 | |
PAN application submitted offline or online using physical mode of document submission | Dispatch of e-PAN card to the email ID | Rs. 72 |
PAN application submitted through paperless mode | Dispatch of e-PAN card to the email ID | Rs. 66 |
If you want to make changes in the existing PAN such as change in name, date of birth etc, you can apply for it online. The procedure is almost the same as you apply for new PAN and you also need to submit the documents to support the change required in PAN. Here is the process for making changes/ corrections in PAN card:
Click here to know the detailed steps for making corrections or updating details in your PAN card.
The advent of technology has made PAN application easy and simple. Even the physical copies of the required documents need not be posted to the NSDL or the UTIITSL offices. When the online mode of document submission is selected, they can be uploaded and submitted online.
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